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At Longwood we follow the 'Read Write Inc. programme' for phonics in EYFS and KS1. 

Read Write Inc. provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching reading and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. We are determined to follow the programme with fidelity to ensure our children make at least the expected progress in reading in KS1. We formally assess each child half termly which determines their grouping for the coming half term. Any child who is reading below the expected levels are immediately identified and offered 1:1 tutoring.

Our phonics leader, Miss Hiscoke, is always happy to speak with parents to explain phonics further and ensures that all parents of children in Reception and Year 1 receive phonic packs to support their learning at home.


Daily sessions

Phonics is taught each day for 45 minutes. Children are grouped according to their most recent assessment and reading teachers can flag children who are making accelerated progress or who are a cause for concern. Each session must start with a 10 minute speed sound lesson where a new sound is taught and children have the opportunity to read words containing that sound. These sounds are then reviewed regularly. 

Year 1 should also have a short afternoon session to consolidate learning and to learn 'missing sounds' (wh, ck, kn, ie, au, e-e, ue, ph). 

1:1 tutoring

'Keep up, not catch up'

Daily 1:1 sessions for the lowest 20% and any other children reading below expected levels. These are 10 minute sessions held daily with progress recorded. Children need to know first 16 sounds before they move onto blending.