Life Skills Programme
Our Life Skills Challenge ensures that all pupils leave Longwood with the necessary independence, skills and understanding to move to secondary school with confidence.
1. I can say please and thank you
2. I can tidy up my classroom
3. I can show I am sorry
4. I can share with others
5. I can wash my hands after I have been to the toilet
6. I can sit on the carpet
7. I can use the toilet independently
8. I can clean my teeth twice a day
9. I can describe how I am feeling
10. I can begin to hold a pencil
1. I can use a knife and fork
2. I can dress myself
3. I can help set the table
4. I can write my name
5. I can take care of a living thing
6. I can work in a team
7. I can clear my plate
8. I can name a range of fruits and vegetables
9. I can hold a pencil accurately
10. I can take part in daily exercise
Year 1
1. I can describe what makes a healthy meal
2. I can brush my hair
3. I know when my birthday is
4. I can pay someone a compliment
5. I have fire safety awareness
6. I can describe how someone else is feeling
7. I can make a phone call
8. I know when my birthday is
9. I know how to cross a road safely
10. I can practise reading everyday
Year 2
1. I can make a sandwich
2. I know my left and right
3. I know how to keep safe around strangers
4. I know my address
5. I know how to make an emergency phone call
6. I can point to where I live on a world map
7. I can dress appropriately for the weather
8. I can talk about different religions
9. I can use table manners
10. I can set myself a target.
Year 3
1. I can measure using the appropriate equipment
2. I can tie my shoelace
3. I can give reasons for a vote
4. I can wrap a present
5. I can bring my homework in on time
6. I can check the weather forecast
7. I can carry out research using a search engine
8. I can teach something to someone else
9. I know how many days there are in each month of the year
10. I can use a dictionary
Year 4
1. I can read a map
2. I can calculate the change from £1.00, £5.00 and £10.00
3. I can give directions
4. I can write and post a letter
5. I can swim a length
6. I can follow a recipe
7. I can say hello, thank you and goodbye in three other languages
8. I can read a bus timetable
9. I can tell the time on an analogue and digital clock
10. I can play a tune on an instrument
Year 5
1. I can speak publicly
2. I can type 25 words a minute on a computer
3. I can send an email
4. I can take part in a democratic vote
5. I can fill in an application form
6. I can prepare for an interview
7. I can use a compass
8. I can order food at a restaurant
9. I can covert currency
10. I can raise money for a charity
Year 6
1. I can make a cup of tea
2. I can give a presentation
3. I can make and sell something
4. I have an awareness of basic first aid
5. I can ride a bike safely
6. I can find out about a range of careers
7. I understand how to get into higher education
8. I have an understanding of drug and alcohol misuse
9. I understand the changes that happen during puberty
10. I can tie a tie